10 MAY 2014 ~ 8-11 PM
For this special extracurricular event, Art Beef (the collective/proprietors of BEEFHAUS) will employ two customized remote-controlled monster trucks in order to restage Yves Klein’s (French, 1928-1962) performance/paintingsAnthropométries, for which the artist used live female participants to function as mediums for the paint. The audience will be invited to participate in the fabrication of the large abstract work, effectively controlling the entire process of creation of the work- the toy trucks functioning as surrogates for nude women. The title, Sheer Speed, refers to the 1959 exhibition of Klein’s blue monochrome paintings, for which he used his patented pigment formula. Art Beef is having International Klein Blue (IKB) specially mixed for the restaging of this collaborative one-night event. Upon the completion of the work by driving the remote-control vehicles through the enamel paint-covered micro-rally, the 12 x 15 foot painting will then be stretched on a panel and displayed at the Richland College Brazos Gallery in Dallas beginning May 24th. The entire evening will be recorded and transmitted between rooms via a suspended birds-eye-view GoPro™ camera in order for the audience to witness their essential participation via remote control occurring remotely in separate spaces between audience/artist and artwork.